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Design for an Energy Efficient Campus Life in Albano

This project aimed at exploring how the form giving of local areas can encourage sustainable behaviours, and lowered energy use. Focus was on the Albano campus area, planned with the ambition to be self-sustainable on energy.

Design is used both as an explorative tool to investigate how to develop symbols as well as visualizations of energy flows in local areas, and as a communicative tool to initiate discussions and awareness about how our surroundings could spur more sustainable everyday practices. With Albano as starting point, the project will result in a number of design concepts in the form of models and scenarios. These are then evaluated and discussed in focus groups with experts, users and other stakeholders reflecting on the designs in relation to their own everyday practices.

The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. Akademiska Hus, the main partner in the project has an expressed interest to work with design in relation to energy wants to use the result of this project for further development and implementation.